1 (manje -45oC), 2 (od -45 do -40oC), 3 (od -40 do -34oC), 4 (od -34 do -29oC), 5 (od -29 do -23oC), 6 (od -23 do -18oC), 7 (od -18 do -12oC), 8 (od -12 do -7oC)
vrijeme cvjetanja
lipanj, travanj-svibanj
boja cvijeta
tip tla
pješčana ilovača, pijesak
korištenje biljaka u pejzažnom dizajnu
kultura lonca, rock vrt
*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu
Latinski naziv
Možeš kupiti Vrtne Cvjetovi Avens u online trgovinama (sjemena, sadnice).
$25.61 Easy to Grow Houseplants (6 Pack), Live House Plants in Plant Containers, Growers Choice Plant Set in Planters with Potting Soil Mix, Home Décor Planting Kit or Outdoor Garden Gifts by Plants for Pets
$8.49 Partial Shade Wildflower Seeds Bulk - Open-Pollinated Wildflower Seed Mix Packet, No Fillers, Annual, Perennial Wildflower Seeds Year Round Planting - 1 oz
$19.95 AeroGarden Mountain Meadows Flower Seed Pod Kit (9-pod)
$5.99 ($0.01 / Count) "Painted Daisy" Flower Seeds, 1000 Heirloom Flower Seeds Per Packet, Non GMO Seeds, Isla's Garden Seeds
$8.85 ($0.09 / Count) Seed Needs, Cherry Rose Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Twin Pack of 50 Seeds Each