Prašome padėti projektui!Prašome pasidalinti ja!Ačiū!
Prašome padėti projektui:
4,15 €
6,16 € (24,64 € / l)
9,95 € (39,80 € / Liter)
28,76 € (28,76 € / l)
8,50 € (8,50 € / l)
12,49 € (16,65 € / 100 ml)
13,90 € (5,56 € / KG)
8,65 € (8,65 € / l)
19,90 €
5,49 €
5,90 € (11,80 € / l)
6,74 € (224,67 € / l)
$15.95 Joyful Dirt Organic Based Premium Concentrated House Plant Food and Fertilizer. Easy Use Shaker (3 oz)
$7.99 Jobes Fertilizer Spikes for Houseplants - 60 Count
$16.23 Plants for Pets Live Bromeliad Plant, Cryptanthus Bivittatus Bromeliads, Potted Houseplants with Planter Pot, Perennial Plants for Home Décor or Outdoor Garden, Fully Rooted in Potting Soil
$11.99 Jobes Fertilizer Spikes for Houseplants - 90 Count
$16.99 BioSulfa25 1L - Indoor Plant Fertilizer Indoor Potted Plants I Liquid Plant Food Indoor House Plants I Organic Plant Food I Liquid Lawn Fertilizer Concentrate I Indoor Plant Food I Organic Fertilizer