German Chamomile, Scented Mayweed
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: semi-shade; full sun
- flower color: purple; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Black-eyed Susan, Eastern Coneflower, Orange Coneflower, Showy Coneflower
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): higher 100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: black; yellow; orange
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: semi-shade; full sun
- flower color: white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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Crown Imperial Fritillaria
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): higher 100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: burgundy; black; pink; yellow; orange; red
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: spring
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Scarlet Sage, Scarlet Salvia, Red Sage, Red Salvia
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: burgundy; pink; purple; red; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Horminum Sage
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: pink; purple; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Painted Tongue
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: burgundy; pink; purple; blue; yellow; orange; red
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Creeping Zinnia, Sanvitalia
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: yellow
- type of stem: creeper
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Bloodroot, Red Puccoon
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: full shade; semi-shade
- flower color: white
- type of stem: creeper
- timing of flowering: spring
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Chinese Lantern Lily, Christmas Bells
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: orange
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Lavender Cotton, Holy Herb, Ground Cypress, Petite Cypress, Green Santolina
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: yellow; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Safflower, False Saffron, American Saffron, Dyer's Saffron
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: yellow
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Foxtail Millet
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: green
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Sida hermaphrodita, Rusby, Virginia fanpetals
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): higher 100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Checkerbloom, Miniature Hollyhock, Prairie Mallow, Checker Mallow
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: lilac; pink; red; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Cup Plant. Rosinweed
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): higher 100 cm
- light needs: semi-shade; full sun
- flower color: yellow
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Barbarea Rupicola
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: yellow
- type of stem: creeper
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Ring Bellflower
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Amethyst Sea Holly, Alpine Eryngo, Alpine Sea Holly
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: lilac; purple; light blue
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Jacob's Ladder
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: semi-shade; full sun
- flower color: lilac; blue; light blue; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 70-100 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: light blue
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 5-30 cm
- light needs: semi-shade; full sun
- flower color: lilac; light blue; yellow; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: august; july; june; spring
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Scabiosa, Pincushion Flower
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- height of plant (cm): 30-70 cm
- light needs: full sun
- flower color: burgundy; lilac; pink; white
- type of stem: erect
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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