Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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Fairy Foxglove
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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Prairie Gentian, Lisianthus, Texas Bluebell
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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California Poppy
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Lamium, Dead Nettle
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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Japanese Anemone
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Oriental poppy
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june
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Day Flower, Spiderwort, Widows Tears
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august
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- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: annual; perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Petunia Fortunia
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june; spring
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Bacopa (Sutera)
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; water Garden; specimen
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Ranunculus, Persian Buttercup, Turban Buttercup, Persian Crowfoot
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Purple Loosestrife, Wand Loosestrife
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Ruby Glow Hyacinth Bean
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: vertical gardening
- lifetime: annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Horned Rampion
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Ice Plant
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Triteleia, Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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Lesser calamint
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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Fairy Fan Flower
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: groundcover; container
- lifetime: annual; perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Red Feathered Clover, Ornamental Clover, Red Trefoil
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: no information
- landscape use: groundcover; container; flowerbed; water Garden; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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