Moneywort, Creeping jenny
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; water Garden; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Purple Fringed Loosestrife
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; water Garden; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august
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Yellow Loosestrife
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; water Garden; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Chilean glory flower
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: vertical gardening; hedge; specimen
- lifetime: annual; perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: spring
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Crown Vetch
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Early Star-of-Bethlehem
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: spring
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Treasure Flower
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Blanket Flower
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Bull's Eye, Daisy Bush, African Bush-daisy, Paris Daisy, Golden Daisy Bush
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: annual; perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: annual; perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Dianthus perrenial
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: july; june
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Sneezeweed, Helen's Flower, Dogtooth Daisy
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: hedge; flowerbed; specimen
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Rock rose
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: groundcover; flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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False Sunflower, Ox-eye, Sunflower Heliopsis
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Paper Daisy, Sunray
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Strawflowers, Paper Daisy
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: dried flowers; flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Helichrysum perrenial
- flower size: small
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; specimen; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july
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Dutch Hyacinth
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june; spring
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- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: august; july
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Sea Poppy, Horned Poppy
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border
- lifetime: biennial
- timing of flowering: august; july; june
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Cape Tulip
- flower size: middle
- fragrant flower: no fragrance
- method of cultivation: non seedlings
- landscape use: flowerbed; border; rock garden
- lifetime: perennial
- timing of flowering: june
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Sticky Monkeyflower
- flower size: large
- fragrant flower: fragrance
- method of cultivation: seedling
- landscape use: container; flowerbed; border
- lifetime: perennial; annual
- timing of flowering: autumn; august; july; june
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