Grasses and Ferns by Color: dark green
Bugle, Bugleweed, Carpet Bugle
cold hardiness zone: 3 (-40 to -34°c); 4 (-34 to -29°c); 5 (-29 to -23°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 9 (-7 to -1°c)
landscape use: border; groundcover; rock garden
plant types: leafy ornamentals
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: creeper
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Heuchera, Coral flower, Coral Bells, Alumroot
cold hardiness zone: 9 (-7 to -1°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 5 (-29 to -23°c); 4 (-34 to -29°c); 3 (-40 to -34°c)
landscape use: mass planting; flowerbed; border
plant types: leafy ornamentals
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: erect
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Dunce's Caps
cold hardiness zone: 5 (-29 to -23°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 9 (-7 to -1°c)
landscape use: container; rock garden
plant types: leafy ornamentals
lifetime: biennial
type of stem: erect
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Hard shield fern, Soft shield fern
cold hardiness zone: 3 (-40 to -34°c); 4 (-34 to -29°c); 5 (-29 to -23°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 9 (-7 to -1°c)
landscape use: mass planting; border; specimen
plant types: ferns
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: erect
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cold hardiness zone: 3 (-40 to -34°c); 4 (-34 to -29°c); 5 (-29 to -23°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 9 (-7 to -1°c); 10 (-1 to +4°c)
landscape use: container; mass planting; border; rock garden
plant types: succulents
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: erect
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Rhubarb, Pieplant, Da Huang
cold hardiness zone: 3 (-40 to -34°c); 4 (-34 to -29°c); 5 (-29 to -23°c); 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c)
landscape use: mass planting; flowerbed; border; specimen
plant types: leafy ornamentals
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: erect
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Dioscorea caucasica
cold hardiness zone: 6 (-23 to -18°c); 7 (-18 to -12°c); 8 (-12 to -7°c); 9 (-7 to -1°c)
landscape use: vertical gardening; specimen
plant types: leafy ornamentals
lifetime: perennial
type of stem: vine
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Grasses and Ferns by Color: dark green
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Garden Flowers, Grasses and Ferns